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Did you miss the ICP webinar series on crop pollination? Today’s you’re lucky day! You can watch all the recorded webinars right here, right now!

Theresa Pitts-Singer (USDA-ARS) presenting on almond pollination

Rufus Isaacs (MSU) talks about ICP for blueberries

Julianna Wilson (MSU) presenting on ICP for apples and cherries

Neal Williams (UC Davis) provides an overview of watermelon pollination and wildflower plantings for bees

Shelby Fleischer (Penn State) provides an overview of how to ensure pumpkin pollination

Theresa Pitts-Singer (USDA-ARS) presenting on how to manage solitary bees for crop pollination

Project ICP Videos

Watch this video to learn about the concept of Integrated Crop Pollination and how it might fit on your farm:

Interested in adding wildflowers to your farm to support pollinators and crop pollination? Check out our series on planting habitat for bees:

Check out this video from our 2015 Pollinator Week collection to hear Project ICP director Rufus Isaacs explain how we connect pollination and yield of blueberries in Michigan:

Other Related Videos

Watch the video below to learn about Cory Stanley-Stahr‘s take on the significance of pollinators on the world.

Check out this video on the 2014 Pritzlaff Award Winner, Claire Kremen


Check out the video below from Tanner Delvalle, a Horticulture Extension Educator at Penn State University. The video documents part of a Pollinator Inservice that was conducted.

Going wild could improve winged workforce. Check out the video below!

An interesting video from a bee’s perspective.

Check out the video below to hear Co-Project Director, Kelly Garbach describing Project ICP Objectives.