Entomologists are converging in Minneapolis, MN from November 15-18 for the annual Entomological Society of America Meeting. Researchers affiliated with the Integrated Crop Pollination Project are represented in 43 presentations and posters and helped organize 5 symposia and meetings. See all the…
Research Project Puts Priority on Pollination
The Integrated Crop Pollination Project is featured as the cover story in this month’s American Fruit Grower Magazine. Read the full article here!
Native Bees Are ‘Plan B’ In Pollination Efforts
Read about Project ICP’s pollination study efforts at the University of Florida in this news story: http://www.wuft.org/news/2015/10/14/native-bees-are-plan-b-in-pollination-efforts/

Effects of fungicide and adjuvant sprays on nesting behavior in two managed solitary bees, Osmia lignaria and Megachile rotundata
The blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria) is an alternative managed bee used by some tree fruit and nut growers around the US. A recent study by Project ICP research partners Derek Artz and Theresa Pitts-Singer found that a common fungicide…

Local plant diversity supports a diverse wild bee community in Pennsylvania apple orchards
Farmers with a diversity of plants on the orchard floor and orchard edge have abundant and diverse pollinator communities in their orchards, according to a recent paper co-authored by Project ICP research partner Dave Biddinger. Wild pollinators, in addition to honey…

Wild bees in eastern US apple orchards: Documenting species diversity and effects of pesticides
Project ICP researcher Jason Gibbs (Michigan State University) has co-authored two recent papers on wild bees in New York apple orchards, as part of his former work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Danforth lab at Cornell University. The first…
Visit a diversified farm with Project ICP partner, Claire Kremen!
Learn more about California’s crop pollinators in this video of Project ICP partner, Claire Kremen and NY Times journalist, Mark Bittman! http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/04/opinion/mark-bittman-whats-the-buzz-about-wild-bees.html?_r=0
Radio feature on Penn State partners!
Hear about the research being conducted by Project ICP partners at Penn State in the following radio piece: http://alleghenyfront.org/story/buzz-building-over-other-bees

The real “busy bees”: A small subset of wild bees provide a large proportion of crop pollination
Project ICP researchers Rachael Winfree, Rufus Isaacs, Claire Kremen, Taylor Ricketts, Neal Williams, Elizabeth Elle, and Emily May, and ICP advisor Simon Potts, have co-authored a new meta-analysis published in Nature Communications exploring the contribution of wild bees to crop pollination across crops and…

Pollinator Conservation Tactics for Organic Fruit Production
Conservation strategies for pollinators on fruit farms include: 1) ensuring access to flowering resources throughout the summer; 2) providing added nesting materials for above ground bees; and 3) reducing exposure to bee-toxic pesticides. To read more on pollinator conservation tactics…