The February 16, 2018 issue of Science magazine included new papers from some Project ICP collaborators. Rachael Winfree’s lab (including Jason Gibbs as a co-author) provides a new analysis of how wild bee species turnover influences how bee diversity affects…

Apply for the 2016 Conservation Stewardship Program by March 31st
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the 2016 application and renewal period for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), the nation’s largest conservation program for working lands. The program provides farmers and ranchers with annual payments for implementing specific conservation activities on their land.…

Apple pollination relies on diverse wild bee communities
A new study from Cornell University, co-authored by Project ICP researcher Jason Gibbs (Michigan State University), finds that apple pollination in New York orchards is more related to diversity of wild bee communities than the abundance of honey bees. The authors observed and…

Orchard Bee Association Annual Pollinator Symposium and Expo
People who are interested in bees and the challenges they face can learn more at the 2015 International Orchard Bee Association Meeting and Pollinator Symposium and Expo, held October 1-3. The annual meeting of the Orchard Bee Association (OBA) will…
Pollination Studies Bear Fruit
A global effort to bolster biodiversity and set up habitats for native pollinators is gaining steam in the United States, with a new wave of projects underway at commercial farms and golf courses throughout the country. Click here to read…
California Almond Industry Moves to Protect Vital Bee Colonies
The importance of honeybees to California’s almond crop is written across the state’s landscape every February – when an armada of trucks filled with beehives enters the state. Without the bees to pollinate the trees, there would be no almond…

Annual Orchard Bee Association Symposium
Click Here to read about the 2014 OBA Symposium.

New Steps to Protect Pollinators, Critical Contributors to Our Nation’s Economy
Today, President Obama issued a memorandum directing U.S. government agencies to take additional steps to protect and restore domestic populations of pollinators, including honey bees, native bees, birds, bats, and butterflies – critical contributors to our nation’s economy, food system,…

Bees have met the enemy, and it’s us
The insects humans rely on for pollination suffer from the effects of ‘civilization’ Read the full article here.
Farmers’ lack of bees might be solved by going wild
Wild bees pollinate orchards more efficiently than rented honeybees, and for no cost, a study finds. They may offer the solution to the mass die-off of the domesticated bees from disease. Read the full article posted at the LA Times