A scientific paper published by several Project ICP researchers two weeks ago showed that large parts of the US are at risk for a “pollinator mismatch” due to wild bee declines; bees are being lost in the farming regions where…

National Analysis of Wild Bee Abundance Highlights Areas of Concern
Read our Policy Brief: New Analysis of Wild Bee Abundance Highlights Areas of Concerns. In brief, the study highlights the following policy implications: • Counties with significant mismatch between crop pollination needs and wild bee abundance should be targeted for private and…

Five New Articles on Pollinators from Penn State Extension
Members of Penn State’s Center for Pollinator Research, including Project ICP researcher Dr. Shelby Fleischer, and the Penn State Extension Vegetable and Small Fruit Team have collaborated to produce a five part series of Extension articles describing pollinators, pollinator threats and on-farm conservation strategies, including…
Importance of pollinators for global nutrition
Taylor Ricketts (UVM, Project ICP research partner) and colleagues found that pollinators are essential for human health; pollinator dependent crops provide important micronutrients. Read a news article on this study and other studies linking pollinators to human health here: http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/123-a210/
ICP Project at the 2015 Entomological Society of America Meeting
Entomologists are converging in Minneapolis, MN from November 15-18 for the annual Entomological Society of America Meeting. Researchers affiliated with the Integrated Crop Pollination Project are represented in 43 presentations and posters and helped organize 5 symposia and meetings. See all the…

New Guide to Bees of the Great Lakes
Project ICP researchers Dr. Jason Gibbs and Dr. Rufus Isaacs (Michigan State University) have published a new guide to the bees of the Great Lakes region and the wildflowers that support them. The pocket-sized guide is designed to help farmers and gardeners identify…
Research Project Puts Priority on Pollination
The Integrated Crop Pollination Project is featured as the cover story in this month’s American Fruit Grower Magazine. Read the full article here!
Florida Melitto Files October-December Newsletter
Click here to read several articles about ICP research in Florida featuring ICP partner Cory Stanley-Stahr (UF) in the Florida Melitto Files Newsletter.
Native Bees Are ‘Plan B’ In Pollination Efforts
Read about Project ICP’s pollination study efforts at the University of Florida in this news story: http://www.wuft.org/news/2015/10/14/native-bees-are-plan-b-in-pollination-efforts/